
Product Code: CM-BedRoom-062
Retail Price: $3000
Sale Price: $2250
Availability: Pre-Order


The Price is for 6 pieces single/double/queen size bedroom set consisting of a Headboard, Dresser, Mirror, Chest & 2 Night tables.

This item is made in Canada so it is available in Colors: Almond, White, Blue, Cloud, Cherry, Pink, Loft, Diwani, Sugarcane, Silver, Smoke wood, Chocolate, Red, Black, oakwood, Maple, Auburn, Shadow oak, Pine, Oak.
To see the color please check product code - BEDROOM -2053

Items can be purchased individually.
Break up prices:
H/B 20%
Night table 10%
Dresser/Mirror 40%
Chest 25%

Dresser 30 62 15
Chest 61 32 15
Night Table 22 22 15
Headboard 53.50 95.75 2
Mirror 40 37 2
Also please note that the product information provided here is based on the information available from our suppliers/ manufacturer's catalog and their website. For any discrepancies or errors, we should not be held responsible. We make our best effort to provide accurate information.