Coffee Table-2174
Product Code: Coffee Table-2174
Retail Price: $700
Sale Price: $525
Availability: Pre-Order
3510-30:- Dual Lift Top Coffee Table - 47.25 x 23.5 x 16H
3510-04:- End Table with Drawer - 24 x 22 x 24H
3510-05:- Sofa Table with Drawers - 48 x 17 x 30H
Also please note that the product information provided here is based on the information available from our suppliers/ manufacturer's catalog and their website. For any discrepancies or errors, we should not be held responsible. We make our best effort to provide accurate information.
Product Code: Coffee Table-2174
Retail Price: $700
Sale Price: $525
Availability: Pre-Order
The price is for a Coffee table.
The End table is available for an additional cost of $300
The Sofa table is available for an additional cost of $500.
Whether you need room for your guests’ drinks while entertaining or need space for your laptop or books while watching TV or shopping online, the Harmony collection has got you comfortably covered for an assortment of needs.
3510-30:- Dual Lift Top Coffee Table - 47.25 x 23.5 x 16H
3510-04:- End Table with Drawer - 24 x 22 x 24H
3510-05:- Sofa Table with Drawers - 48 x 17 x 30H
Also please note that the product information provided here is based on the information available from our suppliers/ manufacturer's catalog and their website. For any discrepancies or errors, we should not be held responsible. We make our best effort to provide accurate information.