Product Code: CoffeeTable-2644
Retail Price: $720
Sale Price: $540
Availability: Pre-Order
51L 27W 17.50H
stainless steel
Also please note that the product information provided here is based on the information available from our suppliers/ manufacturer's catalog and their website. For any discrepancies or errors, we should not be held responsible. We make our best effort to provide accurate information.
Product Code: CoffeeTable-2644
Retail Price: $720
Sale Price: $540
Availability: Pre-Order
The price is for a Coffee Table.
Finished Color: Gold, White Marble.
The shining silver stainless steel frame with the granular shiny white marble, Arctic is one of our bestselling coffee tables because of its practical size and simple design. The coffee table can be kept as a center table in your living room. The simplicity of the coffee table makes it a big hit among many hotels as well. Get your today!
51L 27W 17.50H
stainless steel
Also please note that the product information provided here is based on the information available from our suppliers/ manufacturer's catalog and their website. For any discrepancies or errors, we should not be held responsible. We make our best effort to provide accurate information.