Product Code: Futon-472
Retail Price: $1320
Sale Price: $990
Availability: Pre-Order
Sofa Bed:- 88" 33"/60" 39"
Also please note that the product information provided here is based on the information available from our suppliers/ manufacturer's catalog and their website. For any discrepancies or errors, we should not be held responsible. We make our best effort to provide accurate information.
Product Code: Futon-472
Retail Price: $1320
Sale Price: $990
Availability: Pre-Order
The Price is for a Sofa Bed.
Color:- Grey.
A versatile Grey sectional sofa designed to maximize comfort and space. With a reversible design, it can easily adapt to any living room layout. The higher back offers extra support, while the soft grey fabric adds a touch of elegance. Perfect for those seeking a functional and stylish piece of furniture.
Sofa Bed:- 88" 33"/60" 39"
Also please note that the product information provided here is based on the information available from our suppliers/ manufacturer's catalog and their website. For any discrepancies or errors, we should not be held responsible. We make our best effort to provide accurate information.