Product Code: KidsBed-407
Retail Price: $1660
Sale Price: $1245
Availability: Pre-Order
Dresser 31 40 15.75
Chest (4 drawer) 39 25.5 15.75
Night Table 23 15.5 13.75
Headboard 48 40 1.25
Mates Bed 16 75.25 39.5
Mirror 40.25 24 1.25
Desk 31 44.5 20
Also please note that the product information provided here is based on the information available from our suppliers/ manufacturer's catalog and their website. For any discrepancies or errors, we should not be held responsible. We make our best effort to provide accurate information.
Product Code: KidsBed-407
Retail Price: $1660
Sale Price: $1245
Availability: Pre-Order
The price is for Single HB with mates bed, 1 Night Table, Chest, Dresser, Mirror.
Choice of color: Almond, White, Blue, Cloud, Cherry, Pink, Loft, Diwani, Sugarcane, Silver, Smoke wood, Chocolate, Red, Black, oakwood, Maple, Auburn, Shadow oak, Pine, Oak.
To see the color please check product code - BEDROOM -2053
Computer Desk for $249.
UPGRADE to double/queen size for an additional cost of $200.
UPGRADE to king size for an additional cost of $400.
Items can be purchased individually.
Break up prices:
Bed 45%
Night table 10%
Dresser/Mirror 35%
Chest 25%
Dresser 31 40 15.75
Chest (4 drawer) 39 25.5 15.75
Night Table 23 15.5 13.75
Headboard 48 40 1.25
Mates Bed 16 75.25 39.5
Mirror 40.25 24 1.25
Desk 31 44.5 20
Also please note that the product information provided here is based on the information available from our suppliers/ manufacturer's catalog and their website. For any discrepancies or errors, we should not be held responsible. We make our best effort to provide accurate information.